Then there came MLTI (that is Maine Learning Technology Initiative for you children who have been left behind). I now have my very own iMac book complete with lots of crazy applications where I can make comic books, play on itunes, create slide shows, and even take pictures of myself in my very own photo booth. I am suppose to be learning amazing new strategies in helping my kids become technology savvy and learn more about history at the same time. Instead, all I can so is move from account to account seeing if there have been any new updates.
I discovered this was a problem when I was at the gym tonight and this is what was running from my head:
"I wonder how my fantasy team is doing? Did any fantasy guys make some smack talk remarks" (I won by the way. One step closer to victory. I love you Tom Brady in more ways than you realize),"Did Steve write a new long-winded blog? What about a smart-ass remark back from Jason?", "Did I get any new e-mails? Better check my school account and my gmail", "I wonder if I have any new notifications on facebook? How can I waste hours spying on my friends and checking out their pictures and new "status updates", "Oh! I missed the Hills last night. Better watch it on-line!"
I think you get the point. I need help. I think I might have to turn in my computer and join some type of AA group. I don't know what step I am on but I need help!
~Major aka Computer Junkie
I have included a picture from my photo booth. Notice our tree topper. So classy here at East Skiddah!

In case you can't tell, it is a PBR can. We also have Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo and a Mr. Potato Head on the tree.
Must be nice to actually have a tree topper.
I'm not allowed to have one.
Oh, and whattaya mean long winded?
I am just kidding Visco! I love to read your posts. Seriously. They make my day much more brighter. Especially since I am dealing with teenagers who are needing a break so bad! They see a snowflake and start screaming snowday!!! Yum, no. Calm down!
Skidder! I love skidder! Nice tree.
I missed the Hills to Maj. Must watch it tomorrow!
Hmmm. We just debate between angel and star. A PBR can might solve all our problems.
Is a Bud can too trashy?
yes steve, a bud can is too trashy! what the hell is hills? major, your not alone with your technology enslavement. two years ago my withdrawal from technology ended. now ... we have two laptop, two desktops, all wireless, wireless printing, a dedicated music server that streams music directly to our stereo,and a wii that is also hooked up online. i fear the the magnetic field my laptop puts off has ruined my sperm count. oh well, we'll just have to do as the profs do in orono – adopt a baby from china. it is trendy!
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