Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Time for a crisis

Soon enough, I'll be making a momentous turn into my third decade. That's right people. Despite by boyish good looks, and my obvious immaturity, not to mention the fact that I just learned how to tie my shoes last year, this January I will be turning 30.


So.. I suppose it's time for a mid-life crisis right? I never really have been the convertible type, but maybe I can buy myself a nice big power boat. I've already got the trophy wife, so that's taken care of. What are some other symptoms of a mid-life crisis? Maybe I should quit my job and go build a cabin? Does building a shed count? If so, quitting my job can certainly be arranged.

Well, fortunately I have a little over a month before the day of doom hits. Because, to be honest, right now I'm not feeling all that panicky. I mean, I don't particularly miss being younger, really. I could do without the beer belly that shows up every now and then, and I liked playing HS baseball, and don't get me wrong, college was a good time. Some days, the responsibility of owning a house and being married seems like a lot. But honestly, it's really more reassuring than anything. I don't miss paying rent, or sharing a wall with neighbors, and I certainly don't miss the dating game. Not even a little bit.

I do kind of miss playing intramural sports, and playing pickup basketball everyday. Also? The random Tuesday nights in York Hall when we would accidentally drink way too many busch bar bottles watching some random movie on the Campus movie channel. That was fun.

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