Monday, December 10, 2007

Candy Gram for Mongo

Mark Littell, a former pitcher for the Kansas City Royals, has designed a new and improved athletic supporter.

The best part, "Littell’s cups come with macho names: “Hammer,” “Boss,” “Hog” and for really big men, the XL-sized “Mongo,” a salute to a the ogre like character in the movie “Blazing Saddles.”


s said...

Wow, a rare Chris Sabo sighting!

I think I remember hearing that he lost a nut when his cup split in half. That would sting.

Major said...

Did anyone else find having the girl from high school drop the ball in the machine extremely creepy??? The girl wasn't creepy just the whole having a teenager being the pitcher for the Nutty Buddy. Where is her mother and why is she hitting old men in the balls?

s said...

No, what was really creepy was his comments towards her.

Something tells me that guy would have no problem being the old guy in the bar. Or at the prom.

Kristen said...

"I think I'm over 50-somethin'"

"Are those hard baseballs, Lacey? Yup, they're real hard."

Like his head. The high head, not the low one.

Unknown said...

Sweet little thang... CREEPY.