Thursday, December 6, 2007

Regarding Age and Politics

I like the "or what" part of Major's post. That's the term that seems most applicable.

On aging: I have recently spent some time (not much) thinking about it. Actually, I think the only way for me to deal is to change my chronology numbering scheme to be BASE-30. That way, at the end of January, I'll be turning 10. (Which also happens to be the number of beers that I will drink before noon.)

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I'm a newbie to the F Show blog, but no stranger to the F Show of real life. Hi, everyone!

As someone who has quite a bit of experience in the 30s, may I say, it just gets better every year.

Wish I could say the same for politics.

And Complainsbury, this isn't Hahvahd. Coffee brandy comes from Lewiston. The kid probably thinks scotch comes from Auburn.