Thursday, December 13, 2007

reconstructing hell

8º - feels like death. when i was pursuing my MA at the exceptional university of maine, i took a class that suggested "man" is inherently violent. i won't go into the details that were suggested by "them" – simply because i think they missed something crucial. "man" likes to be warm. there is fire in hell. fire is warm. "man" is inherently violent because if there is an after life – they want the warmth to continue. "man" is inherently violent because a person or persons created the wrong hell. what were they thinking when the conceived hell as a warm place? hell should be reconstructed as a extremely frigid, dark place. a place that no "man" would desire. if hell was such a place, "man" would not be inherently violent. "man" would be inherently peaceful. we need this reconstruction to begin immediately. tell your neighbors, family, and friends. your students and co-workers. hell is a fucking cold dark place that you don't want to be.

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