Saturday, December 1, 2007

Meet the Press (or, Front Runner)

Sunday's Meet the Press was pretty interesting. Roughly half the show dedicated to Dems, half to Repub. That's around 48 minutes of coverage total, 24 each. Edwards was not mentioned until 20 minutes into the Dems section. The others weren't mentioned at all, save when they served as a foil for the front running two. Democracy in this country may not be dead, but it's on some pretty technologically advanced life support.

1 comment:

s said...

Oh, how we missed bitter political John.

Seriously though, having spent Thanksgiving in NH, you can certainly see the money machine at work. There are nonstop political ads. Nonstop I tell you.

I think the fact that these ads are necessary is more a sign of our failing political process than anything.