Monday, December 10, 2007


I'm fascinated by the idea of ESPN's Ombudsman (who is actually a woman). As I understand it, the job of an Ombudsman is basically the represent the view of the common person to whoever has hired them. (Interestingly enough, there is an Ombudsman for some parts of the US Government, including the Dept of Homeland Security. Think they listen to him?) To me, that sounds suspiciously like a VP of Common Sense.

Anyways, that seems to be how ESPN's Ombudsman, Le Anne Schrieber is dealing with it. She has some problems with the way that the World Wide Leader is handling some issues, particularly some hot topic issues. As do I. Unlike me, she has access to the people that control these things, and gets to ask them why they're stupid. I think the answers go a long ways towards explaining what's wrong with sports today. From the sports talk guy who is filling time and getting ratings by shooting off the cuff, to the respected journalists who are trying to both remain relevant and employed, hot topic, instant history (or histrionic) news reporting doesn't look good on ESPN, or, for that matter, on Fox News. But it definitely does get ratings.

Anyways, read her column if you're interested in that sort of thing. Jason, I realize this does not include you.


Kristen said...

Ombudswoman, I implore you, bring back Dibble!!!

Major said...

Can someone please help me with the word origin of Ombudsman?

s said...